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Campus Resources

UMKC HelpLine


The UMKC HelpLine focuses on problem-solving to assist students, faculty and staff with campus policies and procedures, information within the University and general questions in a neutral, confidential and professional manner.

UMKC Central


UMKC Central is a one-stop service location for students to get answers to questions about Admissions, Cashiers and Collections, Financial Aid and Scholarships and Registration and Records.

Academic Support and Mentoring


Students can access tutoring and other types of academic support at Academic Support and Mentoring, including Supplemental Instruction (SI) and math tutoring.

Career Services


Career Services helps students successfully develop, evaluate and initiate career planning and professional development. Services available include resume help, practice interviews and assistance finding internships, among others.

LGBTQIA Programs and Services


UMKC is committed to ensuring our campus is inclusive and affirming of all gender and sexual identities. We demonstrate this commitment through policies, programs and opportunities for LGBTQIA+ students, including the Rainbow Room – a safe space for LGBTQIA students – and scholarships.

International Student Affairs


International Student Affairs helps international students through the recruitment process and beyond. They are available to answer any questions international students have about navigating paperwork processes, United States culture or anything else.

Multicultural Student Affairs


Multicultural Student Affairs creates diverse programming and addresses academic and social needs in an effort to provide an inclusive campus environment that supports students of color.

Residential Life


Residential Life provides on-campus housing for all students, as well as programming and leadership opportunities for students. If you live on campus, your Resident Assistant (RA) can often be someone you go to with any problems or concerns you have.

Office of Student Involvement


The Office of Student Involvement offers a variety of student programming, support for student organizations, including Fraternity and Sorority Life and advising for the Student Government Association. This office is a great place to start when trying to find ways to get involved with campus life.

Women’s Center


The Women’s Center provides services for all students, regardless of gender, and specializes in services for students presenting as female. Services include healing arts programming, providing a safe space for women to gather and programming around gender-based violence and issues.

Title IX


The Office of Equity & Title IX upholds the Education Amendments of 1972 by protecting the UMKC campus community  from discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities which receive federal financial assistance. Students or staff who have experienced any form of sexual discrimination, harassment, and/or misconduct are encouraged to report the incident, with an option to do so virtually from the website.

RISE (Resources, Intervention, Support and Education)


The RISE Program offers services including crisis intervention and advocacy for survivors/victims of sexual violence, relationship abuse, and stalking, as well as offering training and other programs to prevent gender-based violence, sexual violence, stalking, and relationship abuse at UMKC.

Financial Wellness


The Financial Wellness Center empowers students to take control of their personal finances and achieve their goals. Through free, one-on-one financial coaching, workshops and digital resources, we can help you navigate a wide range of financial topics, including how to pay for college, file the FAFSA, learn to budget and manage credit and debt.