How to Join

New members are brought in through recruitment and intake, which occurs formally and informally.



Membership Requirements

  • Currently enrolled at UMKC
  • Meet minimum grade point average and credit hour requirement set by chapter/council
  • Optional leadership and service experience
  • Meet financial obligation

Dues and fees

Each chapter is self-supporting through dues paid by their members. When students join, they agree to pay dues and fees while in school to maintain membership. Although chapters may make accommodations for special needs, students should consider the financial obligations and request information from the chapters before deciding to join. Each chapter has different dues for membership that cover such things as chapter and national dues, dues to their respective council, social activities and miscellaneous costs.

What questions should I ask before joining a fraternity or sorority?

  • What is expected of members?
  • How will membership affect my academics?
  • What leadership opportunities are available to students as both new members and initiated members?
  • Does the chapter perform hands-on community service? If so, how often and where?
  • Does the fraternity or sorority require members to live in a facility? If so, for how long?
  • What are the expenses associated with membership?
  • What type of member is the chapter looking for?
  • What values does this organization promote?
  • What is the time commitment?
  • What is the new member orientation process?
  • What benefits can your chapter offer me now and after I graduate?
  • How involved are your alumni members?
  • How is your chapter different than the others?
  • Why did you join your chapter?
  • What is the time commitment?

Learn Fraternity/Sorority Terminology

View our Greek Glossary


How to Join Panhellenic (CPC)

Fall Semester

Panhellenic Formal Recruitment, sponsored by the Collegiate Panhellenic Council, is a three-day process in the Fall Semester designed to give students a preview of the academic, service, leadership, and community components of the three National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) chapters on campus.

All potential new members (PNMs) participating in the formal recruitment process must register for and participate in all days of recruitment events. At the conclusion of the fall recruitment process, chapters will extend a bid, or an invitation, for membership to those they would like to join their organization. You may receive only one bid during the primary recruitment process in the fall.

Fall 2025 Formal Recruitment Information Coming Soon!

View the Fall 2024 Primary Recruitment Guidebook (PDF)

Spring Semester

By contrast, the informal recruitment process during the Spring Semester does not require you to register, and you may be offered several bids, though you may accept one only. Not all Panhellenic sororities recruit new members in the spring. Contact your desired chapter using the information on RooGroups.


How to Join the Interfraternity Council (IFC)

Fall Semester

Formal recruitment for the Interfraternity Council (IFC) community takes place in the fall. During the first week of school, the IFC community hosts events open to any interested student. Later during the week, interested members attend fraternity-sponsored recruitment events. These events include information sessions and events where students and alumni discuss the unique aspects of their fraternity and share personal experiences with prospective members. PNMs must register and attend all events during the fall formal recruiting session.

Fall 2025 Formal Recruitment Information Coming Soon!

Spring Semester

The informal recruitment process during the Spring Semester does not require you to register. However, not all IFC fraternities recruit new members in the spring. Contact your desired chapter using the information on RooGroups.

At the conclusion of both recruitment periods, chapters will extend a bid, or an invitation, to those they would like to have join their organization. You may be offered several bids, but may accept only one.


How to Join the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

Chapters in the National Panhellenic Council (NPHC), also known as the Divine Nine, conduct membership intake processes at various times throughout the year. All organizations governed by the NPHC have different requirements for membership. These organizations are permitted to conduct intake based on the chapter’s schedule and their need for growth. Some organizations conduct intake each semester; others do so only once a year.

When organizations are looking to conduct membership intake, many of them will host an informational meeting in which the criteria for membership is explained. The meetings will be announced through flyers, social media posts, and campus advertising one to two weeks before the session. Any interested student should review the organization's national website before attending information sessions.

NPHC hosts a general information session about all of its organizations for students who have questions or are unsure about the intake process. The event, NPHC 101, occurs during the first few weeks of school.

Top 5 things you can do to show interest in an NPHC chapter

  1. Research the group(s) in which you are interested
    2. Attend chapter programs and events
    3. Get to know members of the organization
    4. Show your own involvement on campus (e.g., clubs, community service, leadership positions)
    5. Attend the chapter's informational meeting


How to Join Sigma Lambda Gamma (SLG) 

Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. (SLG) hosts a recruitment process where those interested in membership attend events to learn about the history and values of the chapter while getting to know the current members.

Students interested in joining should look for flyers on social media or RooGroups announcing recruitment dates, fill out the interest form or contact the organization directly.

View SLG interest form


General Interest Form

If you are interested in joining a fraternity or sorority at UMKC, complete an interest form. We will share your information with the fraternities or sororities that meet your interests.

Complete the interest form