UMKC Catalog


Marketing (MKT)

MKT 5501      Marketing Management View Details
This course goes beyond the explanation of basic concepts of marketing. The goal is to present a strategic and integrative perspective of marketing in the contemporary digital, global and competitive marketing environment. The emphasis is on the interface between an organization's objectives, capabilities, resources and marketplace needs and opportunities. Examples of major topics to be covered are market-oriented philosophy and corresponding strategy, customer relationship management, branding and brand equity, services marketing, marketing ethics, defensive and offensive marketing strategies, product positioning, distribution and pricing strategies. Offered: Every Fall and Spring
Credits: 1.5 hours
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MKT 5531      Contemporary Marketing Management View Details
An advanced survey course that emphasizes the core marketing decision variables: product, price, place, and promotion. The emphasis is on the interface between an organization's objectives, capabilities, resources and marketplace needs and opportunities. The subject matter is applicable to firms that produce and/or services, and for-profit and non-profit organizations. Topics include market-oriented problem solving, consumer behavior, marketing ethics, competitive strategy, and product management in domestic and global environments.
Credits: 3 hours
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MKT 5539      Digital (and Direct) Marketing View Details
This course focuses on front-end and back-end marketing activities using digital as well as direct marketing tools. Major topics include developing an overall digital marketing strategy that includes inline and traditional media, online marketing, affiliate marketing, social media, web analytics and mobile marketing. The course also focuses on developing and maintaining relationships between the firm and customers and between the firm and other suppliers. Prerequisite: MKT 5501 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
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MKT 5555      International Marketing View Details
This course focuses on marketing problems confronting international business managers and the ways they may be analyzed and resolved. The course content includes concepts and techniques useful in international marketing; effects of national differences on marketing practices; organization for international marketing; and strategy formulation for international markets. Prerequisites: MKT 5501 and MGT 5501 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
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MKT 5560      Buyer Behavior View Details
A review of behavioral science concepts applicable to an understanding of constituent decision making. Special emphasis is placed on applications of these concepts, by the student, to problems of offer planning, pricing, distribution and promotion. Prerequisites: MKT 5501 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
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MKT 5561      Promotional Strategies In Marketing View Details
Emphasis will be placed on the organization's persuasive communications to customers and prospective customers within a framework of the system of distribution. The central focus concerns how marketing management allocates the promotional mix within the organization's total marketing program. Topics will include the following: 1) promotional mix, 2) campaign strategies, 3) campaign coordination and 4) follow-up control of promotional programs. Prerequisite: MKT 5501 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
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MKT 5562      Marketing Research View Details
This course acquaints the student with the special problems of understanding and applying various measurement techniques to marketing problems. Specific topics to be investigated will depend upon the instructor and the students' areas of interest and specific competencies. Prerequisites: MKT 5501 and DSOM 5505, or equivalents.
Credits: 3 hours
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MKT 5565      Marketing Management View Details
Examines the role of marketing in driving profitable revenue growth in companies The focus is placed on tools and approaches to analyzing and understanding customer needs- including the roles of market research and brand equity- and the development of integrated marketing plans to deliver to those needs. Prerequisite: Admission to Executive MBA Program.
Credits: 2 hours
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MKT 5570      MBA Capstone-Developing and Maintaining a Customer Centric Organizational Culture View Details
This course begins by providing students a historical view of developing and maintaining a customer centric organizational culture and the impact of same on employees, suppliers, strategic partners and customers. Students are provided practical guidelines and actions and are required to develop an organizational culture plan. Prerequisites: Available to students in the MSA, MPA, MSF, MSERE, or MSGE programs with consent of instructor.
Credits: 3 hours
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MKT 5575      Advanced Marketing Strategy View Details
This course focuses on advanced marketing skills and practical techniques for defining and meeting the needs of the chosen market. The emphasis is on key drivers of marketing effectiveness, including creating a market-oriented culture, customer-focused information systems, the relationship of various components of marketing, and the response to marketing variables. A variety of pedagogical approaches, including applied projects, may be employed. Prerequisites: MKT 5501 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
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MKT 5587      Special Topics View Details
The study of a contemporary topic of interest. This course is designed to facilitate one of two purposes: an initial offering of a new course (prior to formal approval) or an initial and possible only offering of new topics. Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
Credits: 3 hours
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MKT 5595      Internship View Details
An opportunity for students to integrate their academic studies via employment with a business/organization in the community. Prerequisite: admission only by prior approval and consent of instructor.
Credits: 1-3 hours
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MKT 5597      Independent Study View Details
Independent study and research in areas of special interest under individual faculty direction. Prerequisite: Preregistration consent of the instructor.
Credits: 1-6 hours
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MKT 5899      Required Graduate Enrollment View Details
Credits: 1 hours
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