Diane Filion Center for
Advancing Faculty Excellence


Beginning in spring 2024 UMKC is once again using RooEval for end of semester course evaluations.

Access Your RooEval Survey Results

Faculty can access RooEval results from previous semesters by navigating to the RooEval website and logging in using your Single Sign On (SSO) and Password.

Templates for Emails to Your Students

Research confirms that an encouraging message from instructors can significantly increase the student response rate for course evaluations. The samples below may be adapted if you want to send your students messages to encourage their participation in the course evaluation process.

Template for first email

Hi! / Hello! / Greetings

You'll soon be receiving an email invite from the RooEval System to complete an online evaluation for my course. This is your chance to let me know your thoughts on the course and your learning experience this semester. Please take the time to provide me with your honest feedback. I'll be using your suggestions and the results from this survey to improve this course for future generations of students.

Look for that email soon! 

[Instructor's name]

Template for reminder email

Hi! / Hello! / Greetings

By now, you should have received an email invite from the RooEval System to complete an online evaluation for my course. Please take the time to let me know your feedback and suggestions (if you haven't done so already!). I look forward to hearing about your thoughts on the course and about your learning experience this semester. Your suggestions and the results from this survey will improve this course for future generations of students.

Thank you! 

[Instructor's name]


Template for Canvas Announcement

Students, please remember to fill out the end of course survey in the RooEval System for my course. This is your chance to let me know your thoughts on the course and your learning experience this semester. Please take the time to provide me with your honest feedback. I'll be using your suggestions and the results from this survey to improve this course for future generations of students. Thanks in advance for filling out the survey!