
Supervisor Resources

We provide guides, training opportunities and services to help you execute many of your routine tasks more efficiently, as well as improve employee engagement and retention.


Learn about the guidelines and services we offer for attracting and hiring top candidates.


How to welcome new employees and shorten the time it takes them to become productive members of your team.

Performance management

Setting employee expectations and checking in on performance is one of the most important aspects of being a supervisor.

Job classification

The university's compensation philosophy is to provide salary opportunities that are competitive with those of comparable organizations for jobs of similar responsibility.

Employee Resources

Workplace accommodations

UMKC is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for the known disability of a qualified applicant or employee. As a supervisor, you should know how to recognize and respond to a potential accommodation request.

Professional development

There are a number of training and professional development opportunities for you and your employees. There are also resources to help pay for outside opportunities that are more in line with an employee’s specific position and duties.

Family and Medical Leave Act

It's important understand the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and to be on the lookout for employees who might need to request FMLA leave. You, your HR business partner or the employee can contact MetLife, at 888-865-7940 to file a claim for leave.

Flexible work arrangements

In the interest of employee engagement and retention, UMKC offers several work arrangement opportunities that allow employees to work outside core work hours or away from the office.

student wearing a blue UMKC polo shirt give the Roo Up hand sign at Orientation

Student Employment

We offer guidelines and resources to help you create a student employee program that supports a hands-on, out-of-classroom student learning experience.

Student employment information

More Supervisor Resources

Training for New Supervisors

New to a management role at UMKC? Use these resources to assist new supervisors at the university. Additionally, we're also available for one-on-one coaching and guidance.

Online books, audiobooks, and summaries

View Percipio resources link opens in a new tab

Checklist for new supervisors

View checklist (PDF)