Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements are any arrangements that provide an employee alternatives to working regularly scheduled hours in the office or typical work location. Flexibility can be carried out without changing a department’s regular hours of operation or altering the responsibility or authority of managers. 

Types of Flexible Work Arrangements 

  • Flexible work schedule 
  • Varied start and end times 
  • Mealtime flex 
  • Seasonal adjustments 
  • Remote work

Employee information

If a flexible work arrangement is something you are interested in, please contact your manager to see what options are available. If a flexible work arrangement is a possibility, please follow the process outlined below to request the proper arrangement.

Flexible schedule request

  • Decide which flexible schedule you are going to request: 
    • Varied start and end times 
    • Mealtime flex 
    • Seasonal adjustments 
  • Fill out and send Flexible Work Arrangement Request Form (PDF) to your manager 
  • Your manager will review and decide if the proposed flexible work schedule is approved or denied and will communicate the decision to you. 
  • If your flexible work schedule is approved, you will work with your manager to review and agree on expectations and set up a timeline to review the arrangement periodically (recommended to review at least every 6 months). 

Remote worker request

  • Employee submits a Remote Worker Request through myHR.
  • Your manager will review and decide if the proposed telework arrangement is approved or denied. 
  • Approval or denial will automatically be communicated to you via email.  

Manager information

As a supervisor, you will need to review your department and decide if flexible work arrangements align with its goals, services and hours. To decide if flexible work arrangements will work in your unit, a manager has several things to consider. 

  • Business need
  • Position suitability 
  • Employee suitability
  • Supervisory approach 

Supervisors will need to forecast the needs of the workforce and assess if a blend of flexible work arrangements can be supported. To support managers with this task, we have created a Staff Workforce Planning Template which allows managers to rethink schedules. use of onsite space and challenges to re-imagine the employee experience. 

The Flexible Work Arrangement Suitability Assessment can be completed with the guide to help the manager review a flexible work arrangement. Please connect with your Human Resources Business Partner or contact Human Resources to discuss any questions or specifics related to working with your employees. 

request process

Flexible schedule request

Remote worker request

  • Employee submits a Remote Worker Request through myHR.
  • Supervisor reviews request and decides if the remote worker arrangement is approved or denied. 
  • The final approval or denial is automatically communicated to the employee and supervisor via email.