You may participate in many Study Abroad programs as soon as the summer after your freshman year. Generally, you should explore Study Abroad opportunities early so you are prepared to study abroad sophomore or junior year
International Travel Eligibility
We will review your academic advising transcript and disciplinary record to confirm your eligibility
UMKC Study Abroad faculty-led program admission decisions are made by the program director in conjunction with our office, based on program-specific criteria, the need to select participants who will be the best possible match for the program and the participant’s ability to benefit from a particular program
Late applications are considered on case-by-case basis
Undergraduate students
Minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA (some programs may require a higher GPA), or 2.75 GPA for semester and academic year exchange programs
In good standing from time of application through departure
Fulfill all program specific requirements
Graduate students
Matriculated in a UMKC graduate program
In good standing from time of application through departure
Fulfill all program specific requirements
Visiting and nondegree-seeking students
Participation in a Study Abroad Program is not guaranteed — we reserve the right to refuse admission into a Study Abroad program
Visiting students may apply for select credit-bearing, faculty-led programs, provided program-specific requirements are fulfilled
Nondegree seeking students are not eligible to participate in UMKC exchange programs