IT Help

We are here to help and have multiple ways for you to contact us for support.


 Submit a Ticket

For routine, non-emergency, service or support please submit a request via the UMKC IS Ticketing Portal. A username and password is required.

  1. Login with your UMKC username and password
  2. Click the Report a Problem button within the Portal to view a list of categories.
    • Select a category that best fits your issue or question, or use the search bar in the upper right corner.
    • Selecting a category will automatically route your ticket to the IT group best suited to address your issue.
    • Depending on the category you choose, you may be prompted to provide additional information related to your issue.
  3. If you are not sure which category to pick or are unable to find a category related to your needs, select 'Help, I'm Lost' from the UMKC IT Portal home page, you can return to the home page by clicking the UMKC logo in the top left corner of the portal

Send Us an Email

If you just have a question or aren't sure how to proceed you can email and we'll make sure your request gets to the right people.

Give Us a Call

The UMKC Technology Support Center is for available for remote support from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, at 816-235-2000.


Visit Us on Campus

Walk-in visits are welcome from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm at our offices located at the Cherry Street Parking Garage (5009 Oak Street, Kansas City, MO 64110)