
Types of Student Employees


Many UMKC students receive financial work study every year. The Financial Work Study (FWS) program is funded through Federal Title IV resources and subject to Department of Education federal regulations and employment laws on the federal, state and local levels. The program is administered by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office (FASO). UMKC is allocated funding each year by the Department of Education and must match 25% of the funded amount. Funding is limited and varies from year to year.

The program's intent is to supply jobs for undergraduate and graduate students who have financial need as decided by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It allows a student to earn money to help pay education expenses. The program encourages students to find work related to their course of study and provides community service work.


Departments also have the option to hire students who do not receive federal work-study awards. These positions are not capped by any overall allocation in comparison to work-study student employees. However, these students are paid and funded directly by the department.

Posting a Position

When the department is ready to fill an open student position, supervisors must post descriptions of their distributed Work-Study positions via the Financial Aid Work-Study Management System. This program allows supervisors to post descriptions of an available position, manage the hiring process and monitor student earnings. Supervisors must contact the Work-Study Coordinator in the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office to receive access to the site and instructions for use. If the position is a non Work-Study position, supervisors will use Handshake to post the open position. 

Students will use Handshake on Career Services to look for a student job. However, Handshake is not set up as a recruiting tool. We do not encourage departments to search for recruits on this site. 

After a position is posted, you will receive emails from interested candidates for it. Their emails should have several key components.  

  • A copy of their resume 
  • Schedule of available hours they wish to work in a week 
  • Student ID number (used to verify work study award) 

When you receive emails, be sure to reply to the candidate so that they may confirm you have received their materials.

Sample Update Email to Student Employee Candidate 

Allow a week or two to collect several different candidates and review their resumes. Begin thinking about who you would like to bring into the office for an interview. 

If the position is funded by the Work-Study Program, the employer/supervisor must verify that the student has a work-study award for the proper term (academic year or summer) before setting up an interview with a prospective student. New student employees and rehires must have awards for the proper term. Supervisors can check the student’s status on the Work-Study Management System


Contact the students you would like to interview for the open position to schedule an interview. Be sure to provide the address and location of the office where you will be conducting interviews. Schedule a time slot that is open and that works best for the candidate. Allow 30 minutes for the interview process. 

Once the interview is scheduled, send the candidate an interview confirmation email to remind them of the time and place of the interview. Also, be sure to attach a work-study employment application to the email and request the fill it out and bring to them to the interview. 

Sample Email to Student Employee Confirming Interview (PDF) 


Interview each applicant for the job in a similar fashion. All questions should be job related and should adhere to federal, state and local laws. The employer/supervisor should inform the student about several items.

  • Job responsibilities 
  • Line of authority within the office 
  • Specific skills needed 
  • Working hours and the student’s class schedule 
  • Pay rate 
  • UM policies 

Once you have concluded all interviews, carefully compare all interview notes and resumes and decide on whom to hire. A student may not begin work until the hiring process is completed, their eligibility for work-study is confirmed and the first day of class has begun. 

Sample Student Employee Interview Questions (PDF)

Hiring Process

When you have chosen who you would like to hire, call the candidate and extend a verbal job offer. Be sure to know what their starting pay will be prior to extending the job offer. For more information about what to pay work-study students, reference the UMKC Federal Work-Study Handbook (PDF)

If your offer is accepted, follow up with the work-study soon after with an employment acceptance letter that includes their job title, rate of pay, semester that will be worked and start date and time. You may also include their agreed upon work schedule (if discussed) and any other reminders or expectations. 

Sample Email to Student Employee Confirming Offer (PDF) 

Once you have made the offer and the offer has been accepted by the student employee candidate, it is important to update the other candidates who applied for the open position. Update the other candidates, thanking them for their time and interest and letting them know the position has been filled. 

Sample Rejection Email to Student Employee Candidate (PDF) 


New hires must complete several forms. 

  • Direct Deposit 
  • I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification (photocopies of documents (drivers’ license, social security card, etc.), are required by Human Resources-UMKC is an E-Verify institution. Your local payroll person can use the system to verify employment eligibility.)
  • Personnel Action Form (or ePAF)
  • W-4 Form (both Federal and Missouri) 
  • Student Employee FICA Checklist (note: a new FICA checklist must be completed at the beginning of each term) 
  • Authorization Page printout from Work-Study Management System 
  • Personal Data Form 

Paperwork for new hires should be sent to the department Human Resources Facilitator. Except for a new ePAF and FICA checklist, new paperwork will not have to be completed if the student has changed departments. 


Students who previously received work-study funding are not guaranteed that they will automatically receive work-study funding each year. Students must apply each year. Work-Study awards are offered to students with the earliest applications on file, financial need, and funding available. 


Supervisors should explain to new work-study students all expectations of the office. Office policies including where and when to report to work, any dress code requirements, how and who to notify in case of absence and any other necessary information. 

Introduce the student(s) to other staff in the office. Tell the students where restrooms are, when and if they can take a break and any working conditions they should be aware of. 

UMKC HR Student Manual Sample (PDF) 

UMKC Career Services Student Worker Training Manual Sample (PDF)


It is recommended that each work-study student hired sign a confidentiality agreement.  If your department deals directly with confidential information, it is suggested that you also adopt a similar agreement for your student(s) to sign. 

Confidentiality Agreement (PDF)

Rights and Responsibilities

It is also recommended that each supervisor and each student employee read and sign the Work-Study Rights and Responsibilities Agreement.  This Agreement outlines basic expectations for both the employee and the supervisor. Jointly signing this Agreement helps to begin the employment relationship with a unified understanding of each other’s obligations in the workplace. The department may want to cover other employee guidelines that are specific to the job or department. 

Rights and Responsibilities Agreement (PDF)