Compensation and Classification

UMKC Human Resources is committed to the university’s overall goal to attract, retain and reward highly qualified faculty and staff. Compensation exists to promote fair and competitive staff compensation policies, programs and practices that support management and the university’s mission. The approach to Compensation at the university is to provide salary opportunities that are competitive with those of comparable organizations for jobs of similar responsibility and for which we compete for talent.
To do this, the compensation team provides several services. 

  • Guidance and compensation/classification ability
  • Administration of staff compensation programs in compliance with UM Policy
  • Development of compensation strategies
  • Leadership on regulatory matters about overtime pay and minimum wage
  • Training on compensation and classification related topics

Position Classification

Position classification is the process in which jobs of a common nature with similar duties and responsibilities are grouped together for the purposes of assignment to a proper pay range. 
Since position classification focuses on the specific duties and responsibilities of each position, the quality of performance, the quantity of work, the status of an employee, or information relative to the employee’s length of service or current salary are not considered in the classification process. In other words, job evaluation focuses on the job's characteristics and not on any individual(s) occupying positions classified in the job. 


Global grading system