Diane Filion Center for
Advancing Faculty Excellence

University Writing and Reading Board

UWRB promotes writing and reading across the curriculum at UMKC. Guided by best practices and UMKC assessment data, this diverse group of instructors, staff and administrators supports the professional learning of all faculty in the teaching of writing and reading.

Writing Intensive Courses

Teaching Writing Intensive Courses

Teaching Writing & Reading Resources


About the UWRB



Announcements and Events


How do we teach writing and reading in the ChatGPT era?   

 How are you using generative AI and large language models in your classes? What are your concerns about how students use ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI? How do you teach writing and reading in your UMKC classroom? What writing and reading topics would you like to know more about and teach more effectively in your classes? Where can you turn for more guidance?

 These are some of the questions the University Writing and Reading Board will explore during a discussion from 11 a.m. to noon Monday, May 1, in Zoom. Please join representatives of units across our campus as we share ideas and brainstorm UWRB programming for next year. For more information, contact UWRB Co-Chairperson Thomas Ferrel (ferrelt@umkc.edu) or UWRB Co-Chairperson Henrietta Rix Wood (woodhr@umkc.edu).

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