Diane Filion Center for
Advancing Faculty Excellence

Evidence Based Practice: Case Studies

Evidence Based Practice: Case Studies

Nancy Twillman

What is it?

Case studies are real-world instances/scenarios to which students apply their developing knowledge,
highlighting higher-level thinking and critical problem-solving.

When to use it?

Instructionally, case studies are used to guide student learning through examples.

Summary of Technique

The use of case studies instructionally centers on presenting students with the opportunity to apply their
growing knowledge to real-world problems. Instructors select/develop cases (questions or scenarios pertinent to the course) which are complex enough to allow students to problem solve and further develop critical thinking skills.

Students often work in groups on a case over a period of time. The open-ended nature of a case provides an
environment for ongoing communication between group members as they regularly question, plan, and
strategize. Individually and in their group, students regularly reflect on their learning (a key instructional
component of case study work).

Using case studies is a very effective learning technique. Case-based learning allows students to build learning
with their peers by starting with an example and thinking increasingly critically as possible solutions are
identified and emerging pertinent questions are addressed.


Links to Resources 

 Case Method Teaching: Center for Teaching and Learning, Columbia University 

Case Studies: Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Northern Illinois University 

Case Studies: Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University 

Improving Use of Case Studies: LEARN Center, University of Wisconsin Whitewater 

Making Learning Relevant with Case Studied: Edutopia 

NCCSTS Case Collection: National Science Teaching Association 

Teaching with Cases: The BOK Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University 

Using Case Studies to Teach: Center for Teaching and Learning, Boston University 


Personal Experience

I am currently using a case study model in the policy class for the first year MSW students. After learning an
overall framework for policy analysis, students will select a case (a state or federal social policy) to analyze.
When analyzing their selected policy, they will apply the model to a real-world example that can impact the
professional environment in which they will practice after graduation. Their decision-making during the
analysis will involve the application of on-going critical thinking informed by what they identify in the policy to
be pertinent. While they begin the analysis knowing the overall framework, the depth and direction of their
analysis will be informed by the content of the official policy and they will propose adaptations to the
framework, as pertinent to their specific policy and their decision making.

Reference List 

 Addo, R., Koers, G., & Timpson, W. M. (2022). Teaching sustainable development goals and social development: A case study teaching method. Social Work Education, 41(7), 1478–1488. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2022.2112168  


Allchin D. (2013). Problem- and case-based learning in science: An introduction to distinctions, values, and outcomes. CBE Life Sciences Education, 12(3), 364–372. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.12-11-0190 


Elizabeth F. Barkley, & Claire H. Major. (2020). Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass. 


Doubleday, A. F., Brown, B., Patston, P. A., Jurgens-Toepke, P., Strotman, M. D., Koerber, A., Haley, C., Briggs, C., & Knight, G. W. (2015). Social constructivism and case-writing for an integrated curriculum. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.7771/1541-5015.1502 


Harding, L. M. (2018). Keeping Goliath on his toes: A case-discussion method for increasing engagement and individual accountability in large classes. Marketing Education Review, 28(2), 131–135. https://doi.org/10.1080/10528008.2018.1437355  


Hoffer, E. R. (2020). Case-based teaching: Using stories for engagement and inclusion. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences, 2(2), 75–80. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1263931  


Mahdi, O. R., Nassar, I. A., & Almuslamani, H. A. I. (2020). The role of using case studies method in improving students’ critical thinking skills in higher education. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(2), 297–308. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1248562  


Porzecanski, A. L., Bravo, A., Groom, M. J., Dávalos, L. M., Bynum, N., Abraham, B. J., Cigliano, J. A., Griffiths, C., Stokes, D. L., Cawthorn, M., Fernandez, D. S., Freeman, L., Leslie, T., Theodose, T., Vogler, D., & Sterling, E. J. (2021). Using case studies to improve the critical thinking skills of undergraduate conservation biology students. Case Studies in the Environment, 5(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1525/cse.2021.1536396  


Puri, S. (2022). Effective learning through the case method. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 59(2), 161–171. https://doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2020.1811133  


Sulé, V. T., Sachs, A., Mansor, C., & Smydra, R. V. (2023). The case for case studies: Dialogic engagement and case study creation in a higher education classroom. Active Learning in Higher Education, 24(3), 321–336. https://doi.org/10.1177/14697874221075297