Diane Filion Center for
Advancing Faculty Excellence

Submit your courses with community-engaged learning components for notation in Pathway and for a "C" in the remarks column on student transcripts


The Community Engaged Learning Committee will approve community-engaged learning Pathway attribution and transcript remarks. The approval process will uphold academic freedom and will not undermine the work of established curriculum committees. The committee will evaluate the CEL assignment and student learning outcomes to ensure that they meet the definition. This review process will make it possible for existing courses that offer CEL, formerly known as service-learning, to be noted as an attribution in the UMKC Student Information System (Pathway) and a remark on the student transcript at the section level.   
New courses will go through the curriculum committee process as CEL courses. Should questions arise, the Committee can support the curriculum committees' work by providing advice or guidance to either faculty members or the curriculum committee related to strengthening the proposed CEL components. 

Approval Process 

The approval process that the Community Engaged Learning Committee will follow will be basic. Faculty will share an annotated version of their course syllabus where they have described the CEL to students and describe the course outcomes. The annotations will highlight how the CEL experience operationalizes the definition.  

  • Students are participating in an organized activity that meets community-identified needs 
  • Faculty guide structured reflection designed to support students as they integrate their CEL with the course curriculum
  • Students develop an awareness of and respect for diversity, inclusion, justice, and social responsibility
  • Students develop the skills and knowledge to contribute actively to the lives of their communities
  • Students learn about global and national problems with relevance to our shared local context