Email Signature

Email signatures help show professionalism, support brand continuity and communicate crucial information to the people you interact with online. Follow these steps to update your email signature today.


  1. Add your information to the input boxes below
  2. Click the "create your signature" button
  3. Click the "copy signature" button and finally paste into your email signature. (Need help?)

Tip: You don't have to fill in all of the information, but it's a good idea to start with your name and title.

Basic Info

Department Info

Contact Info

Social Info

KC Roo

Professional Mascot

Proud First Gen Roo

University of Missouri - Kansas City
360C 5000 Holmes Street, Kansas City, MO 64110

Phone: 816-555-5552 Cell: 816-555-5553 Fax: 816-555-5551

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