
Database Requests

Please submit a request for your new database to the UMKC DBA Team.

Database Hosting

Database hosting (on shared servers) is free up to 5 GB. Beyond 5 GB requires a dedicated virtual server (fees outlined here). The following shared database systems are offered:

  • Microsoft SQL
  • Oracle
  • MySQL

Database Support

If you require support with an existing service, would like to request a new service, or wish to report an outage, please contact the IS Technology Support Center by email at

Database Resources

Connection Information

Internet Address:
NOTE: You must have FileMaker Pro installed on your machine in order to connect to this FileMaker Server



How to Use FileMaker Pro

  1. Select Open an existing file and click OK.
  2. Click Remote… then click Add…
  3. In the Host’s Internet Address: field, enter For Favorite Host’s Name:, enter KC-ISIA-FMP01, and click Save.
  4. In the Host's window, select KC-ISIA-FMP01 ( to see the list of databases you have access to. If prompted for Account Name and password, enter your username (i.e. smithj) and your Windows password (i.e. the password you use to login to your computer).
  5. Select the database you have access to and click Open.

FileMaker FAQ

What version of FileMaker Server does UMKC have?
FileMaker Advanced Server

My department decided that we should use FileMaker for a project. I now have a brand new installation of FileMaker Pro on my computer. How do I create the database and forms for this project?
There are many options available in FileMaker Pro to store the data for your project and also to display it. Help can be obtained by contacting the UMKC Technology Support Center.

How do I upload the database that I created in FileMaker Pro to the server so that others in my department can view and edit it and also make sure that it is backed up regularly?
Create a Technology Support Center ticket for this and a member of the Information Access team will assist you and others in your department with uploading your database to the server, and then connecting to it remotely and securely from your computer.


Microsoft SQL Server FAQ

What is a Microsoft SQL Server database?
Microsoft Corporation is the software provider of the SQL Server Relational Database Management System (RDMBS). It is a very robust and solid option for storing and accessing data. Here at UMKC, we have many RDBMS solutions including Oracle, MySQL, and FileMaker also available.

What version of SQL Server does UMKC have installed?
We are currently offering version 2019.

We have a project which requires one or more database(s). Is a SQL Server database the best option for what we need?
There are many reasons why a given project will be best served by, or might require a SQL Server database. If the project is larger in scope and/or requires a lot of data transfers or reporting of data which resides on another SQL Server database, then SQL Server may be the best option. A big reason to use Microsoft SQL Server is that it is very well integrated into a Windows server environment. It is best to contact the Information Systems (IS) department so that we can discuss your project in detail and determine the best option together. We may even suggest that another database option might be better suited to the needs of your project.

We have determined that our department has a need for a SQL Server database. Who do I contact for that?
Please submit a request for your new database to the UMKC DBA Team.

We received an email about our new SQL Server database. What do I do now?
You probably received information that you are now able to access a certain SQL Server database using your UMKC username credentials (or others) along with a more generically named account for accessing the database from another application. If you are working with a third party software vendor, then they will need the credentials of the generic account so that they can create the database objects that their software will need. Otherwise, contact the IS department or whoever you are working on the project with for the next steps.



What is a MySQL database?
Oracle Corporation is the software provider of the MySQL Relational Database Management System (RDMBS). It is a very robust and solid option for storing and accessing data. Here at UMKC we have many RDBMS solutions including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and FileMaker also available.

What version of MySQL does UMKC have installed?
We have development and production servers which are on version 8. These servers are freely available for University related use.

We have a project which requires one or more database(s). Is a MySQL database the best option for what we need?
There are many reasons why a given project will be best served by, or might require a MySQL database. If the project is very small in scope and/or does not require any data transfer or reporting of data which resides on other databases, then MySQL may be the best option. A big reason to use MySQL is that it is a small, yet powerful database which is very well suited for WordPress or other applications which are used through a web page. It is best to contact the Information Systems (IS) department so that we can discuss your project in detail and determine the best option together. We may even suggest that another database option might be better suited to the needs of your project.

We have determined that our department has a need for a MySQL database. Who do I contact for that?
Please submit a request for your new database to the UMKC DBA Team.

We received an email about our new MySQL database. What do I do now?
You probably received information that you are now able to access a certain MySQL database using a username and password. If you are working with a third party software vendor, then they will need the credentials of this account so that they can create the database objects that their software will need. Otherwise, contact the IS department or whoever you are working on the project with for the next steps.

We need help creating the database tables and/or bringing data into our new database. How do we get help with that?
You can reach out to your IS contact who has been working on the project with you, or submit a request to the Technology Support Center and they will put you in contact with someone on our team who can help.


Oracle FAQ

What is an Oracle database?
Oracle Corporation is the software provider of the Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDMBS). It is a very robust and solid option for storing and accessing data. Here at UMKC, we have many RDBMS solutions including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle MySQL, and FileMaker available.

We have determined that our department has a need for an Oracle database. Who do I contact for that?
Please reach out to the IS department or submit a Technology Support Center request and specify as much detail as possible about your project and also why you need a database. We have several Oracle database servers which can certainly satisfy the needs of your department and/or project(s).

We received an email about our new Oracle database which has a "Schema" listed. What is a "Schema"?
An Oracle schema is both the user who you will use (along with the password provided) to log into the Oracle database as well as the name of the container in which the database objects (tables, indexes, views, procedures, etc.) will be stored.

We need help creating the database tables and/or bringing data into our Oracle schema. How do we get help with that?
You can reach out to your IS contact who has been working on the project with you, or submit a request to the Technology Support Center and they will put you in contact with someone on our team who can help.