How I'm Planning to Finish the Semester Strong

Helpful tips to maintain stamina and find success as we head into the final weeks
sign that says "You got this"

As we finish off the final weeks of a difficult year, we owe it to ourselves to end the year as strong as we started it. Here are some tips and encouragement for my fellow Roos as we strive to finish the semester well.

The holidays may be extra stressful this year, but that doesn’t mean finals have to be. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help when needed; you are not alone in this. Everyone is struggling in their own way, whether it be financially, academically, mentally, physically or emotionally. Just getting to this point has been an accomplishment for all of our hard-working students, faculty and staff; let’s keep it up as we approach the end of the year. We encourage our community to take the steps needed to ensure we finish the semester strong, together. 

  • Staying physically and emotionally healthy means more than just avoiding the virus. Monitor your sleep and eating habits and always make sure you are setting aside time for yourself. If you need food assistance, check out the Kangaroo Pantry, a free resource for UMKC students, faculty and staff. Stay connected relationally with friends and family through text, phone calls, FaceTime, emails, and Zoom/Skype when you can. 
  • Reach out to your advisor, instructor or Counseling Services if you are struggling or need assistance — they are here to help!

  • Don’t give up this late in the game after you’ve come so far! Think of all the hard work you’ve put in already and let those thoughts drive you to finish strong.   

  • Always reach out to your advisor and ask for assistance before you decide to drop a class. There are resources and help available; don’t waste credits and money when you don’t need to! 

  • Go easy and don’t stretch yourself too thin with your academic workload. Don’t take on extra tasks if you’re not able to. Meeting deadlines, studying and making time for yourself are your priorities, so cancelling other plans if necessary is perfectly okay.  

  • We all know this time of year can be difficult, especially during the pandemic, but no need to get down. Keep pushing through and the end of the semester will be here before you know it! 

Once you have powered through, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back because even through these unprecedented times, you stayed the course. 

Keep calm, stay positive, get plenty of rest, eat well, wash your hands, mask up, and let’s #RooUp to tackle these finals together! 

Published: Dec 4, 2020
Posted In: Student Life