
Avanzando is designed to support all Latino students on campus.

Each Avanzando scholar is matched with a campus or community mentor who possesses qualities relevant to scholars’ goals and career interests. Mentors and mentees meet regularly throughout their academic careers to develop positive relationships and explore opportunities both within and outside of UMKC. Additional program components include personalized academic support, enhanced access to campus and community resources, opportunities for undergraduate research, academic and career-oriented workshops throughout the year, as well as the following formal annual events:

Avanzando Summer Enrichment Program

This week-long summer program, typically held in early August, is designed for Scholars to meet other Latino students and Latino faculty and to engage in fun, hands-on learning and community service activities. Offered to new and returning Avanzando Scholars, this program helps students get a head start on the academic year with focus on:

  • Writing & math skills enhancement
  • Test-taking and study skills
  • Utilizing the library and other campus resources for academic success
  • College survival tips and self-care
  • Leadership development
  • Embracing Latino identity and the significant contributions Latino’s make to our campus, community and world

Avanzando Fall Reception

Held in late August or Early September, scholars and their families are invited to kick-off the fall semester with campus and community leaders. New scholars are introduced to their mentors and returning scholars and mentors reconnect in preparation for the new academic year.

Adelante Latino Student Summit

Latino students from Kansas City and the Midwest region! Through engaging, interactive workshops, high school and college students explore current social justice issues impacting Latino families and gain leadership skills to effect change on campus and in the community.

Avanzando End of the Year Celebration

The Avanzando End of the Year Celebration recognizes our  accomplishments throughout the year. Scholars, families, mentors and community partners attend this event held in late April.


Contact Kim Johnson at johnsonkim@umkc.edu or (816)235-6706