Scooter Policy

  • Date Issued: 10/23/18
  • Date Revised: 10/23/18
  • Last Modified: Oct 4, 2023
  • Sponsor(s):
  • Responsible Office(s):

Users of Scooters on Campus

UMKC prioritizes the safety of the campus community and the wise use of its resources. The increased availability of motorized scooters on or near campus prompts us to issue some important guidelines and reminders regarding the use of scooters in our community.

  • Motorized scooters may be ridden or stored safely on city streets that connect to or run through campus but are not allowed on UMKC property. (Scooters are defined to include self-balancing scooters, battery-operated scooters, hands-free “Segway”-like scooters, hoverboards and electronic scooters, such as “Bird” electric scooters, “Lime” electric scooters, etc.)
  • UMKC cares about students and public safety and wants all riders to follow guidelines from scooter rental companies, including: Scooter drivers must wear a helmet and be at least 18 years old with a valid driver’s license. Scooters are not meant for operation on sidewalks. Scooter operators must follow all traffic rules that apply to drivers, including obeying street signs and stop signs and not operating under the influence.
  • Electric scooters are not allowed in campus buildings and should be parked or set down only on city property adjacent to campus.
  • Students, faculty and staff may not use UMKC electrical outlets to charge “Bird,” “Lime” or other electric scooters to receive financial incentives from the companies. For students, this policy is in accordance with UMKC Residential Life policy, which states that students may not use any residential space for personal financial gain.

In closing, UMKC urges all students, faculty and staff to be aware of their surroundings and on the lookout for motorized scooters. Their small size and quiet operation mean they are easy to miss in traffic. Scooters are convenient and easy to use, but also expose users to possible injury from other vehicles or from other accidents. Our campus commu