Swipe Out Hunger

UMKC and Sodexo have partnered with Swipe Out Hunger, the world’s leading nonprofit organization in the fight against hunger on college campuses.

Logo for Swipe Out HungerMeal Donation Program

UMKC’s meal donation program is built to support Roos in need because we know that sustenance and nutrition play an important part in their success.

How can I donate?

Students with a Block or Commuter meal plan may donate meals to other students through the GET app. You may donate up to 10 meals per semester. Watch our step by step on how to donate meals on the Kangaroo Pantry Instagram page 

How can I get a meal?

Visit the Kangaroo Pantry during our hours of operation.

Are there restrictions on the meal swipe I receive?

Students must use the meal swipe they receive within two weeks or it will be removed from the student's account. The swipe is good for one entry into the cafeteria.