University Budget Committee

University Budget Committee (UBC)
C. Mauli Agrawal Chancellor
Jennifer Lundgren Provost
Sharon Lindenbaum Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Carol Hintz Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
Karen Wilkerson Budget and Planning Director
Barb Glesner Fines Dean (3rd Year)
Russ Melchert Dean (2nd Year)
Kevin Truman Dean (1st Year)
Tom Mardikes Faculty Senate
Michelle Maher Faculty Senate
Erik Olsen Faculty Senate Budget Committee Chair
Karen King Staff Council Chair
Tim Nguyen SGA President or Delegate
Kelli Cox Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Mark Johnson Ex-Officio 
Chris Liu Ex Officio
Brandon Martin Ex Officio
Sheri Gormley Ex-Officio
Leigh Salzsieder At-Large

Report and Recommendations of the UMKC Budget Model Review Subcommittee