ENDO 5701
Endodontology 1
This course is designed to introduce the first year endodontic postgraduate student to the field of advanced endodontics. It will provide introductory information and guidance which will serve as a basis for follow on course work in ENDO 5702 through ENDO 5706. Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1-6 hours
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ENDO 5702
Endodontology 2
This course is designed to continue the transition of the general dentist into a first year endodontic postgraduate student in the field of advanced endodontics. It will build upon material taught in previous courses of instruction as well as introduce completely new material to the resident. Prerequisite: None
Credits: 1-6 hours
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ENDO 5703
Endodontology 3
This course is designed to complete the transition of the general dentist into a first year endodontic postgraduate student in the field of advanced endodontics. It will build upon material taught in previous courses of instruction as well as introduce completely new materal to the resident. Prerequisites: ENDO 5701 & ENDO 5702 Offered: On demand
Credits: 1-6 hours
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ENDO 5704
Endodontology 4
This course is designed to transition the first year into a second year postgraduate student in the field of advanced endodontics. It will build upon material taught in previous courses of instruction as well as introduce completely new material to the resident. Prerequisites: ENDO 5701, ENDO 5702, ENDO 5703.
Credits: 1-6 hours
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ENDO 5705
Endodontology 5
This course is designed to continue the transition of the general dentist into a more proficient second year postgraduate student in the field of advanced endodontics. It will build upon material taught in previous courses of instruction as well as introduce completely new material to the resident. Prerequisites: ENDO 5701, ENDO 5702, ENDO 5703, ENDO 5704
Credits: 1-6 hours
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ENDO 5706
Endodontology 6
This course is designed to complete the transition of the general dentist into a fully independently practicing endodontist. It will build upon material taught in previous courses of instruction as well as introduce completely new material to the resident. Prerequisite: ENDO 5701, ENDO 5702, ENDO 5703, ENDO 5704, ENDO 5705
Credits: 1-6 hours
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ENDO 5721
Endodontology 7
This course is designed to complete the transition of the general dentist into a fully independently practicing endodontist. It will build upon material taught in previous courses of instruction as well as introduce completely new material to the resident. Prerequisites: Endodontology 1 to 6. Offered: On Demand.
Credits: 1-6 hours
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ENDO 5722
Endontology 8
This course is designed to complete the transition of the general dentist into a fully independently practicing endodontist. It will build upon material taught in previous courses of instruction as well as introduce completely new material to the resident. Prerequisites: Endodontology 1 to 7. Offered: On Demand.
Credits: 1-6 hours
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ENDO 5723
Endodontology 9
This course is designed to complete the transition of the general dentist into a fully independently practicing endodontist. It will build upon material taught in previous courses of instruction as well as introduce completely new material to the resident. Prerequisites: Endodontology 1 to 8. Offered: On Demand.
Credits: 1-6 hours
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