UMKC Catalog


Pre-Dental Course Requirements

There is no required college major for admission to the School of Dentistry. However, certain courses are required prior to entering:


A minimum of four semesters of biology with labs. In particular, we require general biology I, anatomy, physiology and cell biology. Other courses that have counterparts in the dental curriculum (i.e., histology, neuroscience, microbiology) are strongly recommended.



A minimum of two semesters of general chemistry with labs (Chemistry I and Chemistry II). 

A minimum of two semesters of organic chemistry with labs (Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry II).

A minimum of one semester of biochemistry (lab is recommended but not required).


A minimum of two semester of physics with labs (Physics I and Physics II).


A minimum of 6 credit hours of English composition. (Courses in speech are not acceptable as substitutes for English composition.)


It is advantageous to have course credit in mathematics, formal logic, histology, business, social/behavioral sciences (such as psychology), communication skills, computer science, the humanities and applied arts (such as sculpting, drawing, etc.).
