UMKC Catalog


AUPD Student Activities
The department supports two student organizations, AIAS and PDS, on the UMKC Campus.

The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is a national student organization for students studying architecture and related fields. Many times the professionals serve as mentors to students on various capacities. Every year students attend national and regional AIAS meetings around the country.

Planning and Design Students (PDS) is a student organization for students studying Urban Planning and Design. The students interact with the local APA (American Planning Association) chapter in a variety of activities. A group of students attend the national conventions that are held in various locations around the country every year.

The American Public Works Association (APWA) is a student organization that consists of a multi-disciplinary group of students (i.e. Engineering, Geosciences, Public Administration) from across the campus. The APWA's national office is in Kansas City, and UMKC is the first campus to initiate an APWA student group. This organization allows students to interact with private industry, as well as governmental agency professionals.
