STAT 234
Mathematics For Teachers: Probability And Statistics
Designed for elementary-and middle-school mathematics teachers. Foundational knowledge of probability and statistics, elements of statistics, organizing, displaying and describing data, probability distributions, correlation, regression, prediction, estimation. Prerequisites: 4 units of high school math or Math 110.
Credits: 3 hours
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STAT 235
Elementary Statistics
An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Organization and presentation of data, averages and variations, elementary probability, random variables, special discrete distributions, normal distributions, sampling distributions, point estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. Credit will not be given for both STAT 235 and STAT 236. Prerequisite: 4 units high school math or MATH 110.
Credits: 3 hours
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STAT 236
Applied Statistics For Public Administration
Designed for students in business, public administration, and urban studies; will cover descriptive and inferential statistics, elementary probability, analysis of nominal and ordinal data, regression analysis; will use a statistical software package to apply the tools of statistics and answer quantitative questions. Credit will not be given for both STAT 235 and STAT 236.Prerequisite: 4 units high school math or MATH 110
Credits: 3 hours
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STAT 436
Introduction To Mathematical Statistics I
Sample space, conditional probability, random variables, probability distribution functions and probability densities; transformations of random variables, mathematical expectation, conditional distributions and expectations, laws of large numbers and limit theorems, applications. Prerequisite: MATH 250.
Credits: 3 hours
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STAT 441
Introduction To Mathematical Statistics II
Sampling Distributions; point estimation; internal estimation; hypothesis testing; analysis of variance; nonparametric methods; statistical software applications; topics in Applied Statistics. Prerequisites: STAT 436.
Credits: 3 hours
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Introduction To Mathematical Statistics I
Sample space, conditional probability, random variables, probability distribution functions and probability densities; transformations of random variables, mathematical expectation, conditional distributions and expectations, laws of large numbers and limit theorems, applications. Prerequisite: MATH 250.
Credits: hours
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