Multimedia Production And Concepts
Multimedia production and concepts will give an overview of multimedia technology and communication theory needed to deliver information and to produce interactive presentations for the web,for CD-ROM, and for in-person presentations and demos. The course offers exposure to software,hardware, other multimedia technologies, authoring and copyright matters.
Credits: 3 hours
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Special Topics
Selected topics in specific subject areas of Information Technology which are not part of the regular offerings.
Credits: 1-3 hours
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Introduction To Computing Resources Administration
This introductory course is designed to give an overview of a wide variety of technical, interpersonal, documentation, and managerial skills needed to become an effective systems administrator. Prerequisite: COMP-SCI 201
Credits: 3 hours
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Object-Oriented Software Development
Application of object oriented programming languages as a means to implement object oriented designs. Polymorphism through inheritance and interfaces, design methods such as Responsibility Driven Design and such reusable design techniques as abstract classes and frameworks. Event-driven programming and the Java Swing classes for constructing interactive Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs),the basics of the Unifed Modeling (UML) and elementary design patterns. Prerequisites: COMP-SCI 201R and COMP-SCI 352 or COMP-SCI 303.
Credits: 3 hours
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Special Topics
Selected topics in specific areas of Information Technology/ Computer Science. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies.
Credits: 1-3 hours
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Students may participate in structured internships under the joint supervision of an employer and a faculty member. The student must carry out significant professional responsibilities that also have academic merit. The number of credit hours is based on the quality of the academic experience. Available for credit/nocredit only, and students must be in good standing with a least 18 credit hours of CS/IT counting towards the degree.
Credits: 1-6 hours
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