Lab Usage Policies

The UMKC Standard of Conduct is to be observed at all times in Information Services (IS)-managed computer labs:

There are two main policies that govern computer lab use:
  • Don't do anything that might harm the lab equipment or area.
  • Don't distract other clients using the lab.

Please notify the Student Assistants on duty if you are being distracted by the conduct of other clients using the lab.

The following procedures ensure that the above policies are effective:

  • Don't disconnect cables from the computer equipment to plug in to personal devices.
  • Don't dismantle equipment in an attempt to troubleshoot issues.
  • Lab equipment and supplies are only meant to be used within the lab site. Don't remove equipment from the labs or take items such as paper from the lab supplies.
  • Printers are shut down fifteen minutes before lab closing times to ensure the labs are vacated and closed on time.
  • People working in study groups are asked to keep their voices down as much as possible. Cell phone conversations are not allowed.
  • Group study is not allowed in the MNL second floor computer lab. Conversation must be limited to lab use inquiries and should be kept to a minimum in terms of duration and volume. More information can be found on the Miller Nichols Library Floor Noise Level Expectations page. 
  • Any non-UMKC persons are not allowed to use lab machines and/or are not allowed to be in the computer lab areas. This includes children. The first floor computer lab in the Miller Nichols Library does allow children within their site. Please review the Miller Nichols Library policy for more information.
  • Only properly identified service animals are allowed in labs.

If anyone is found to be breaking lab policies and procedures, UMKC personnel will inform them of the policy or procedure being broken, and give the person 10 minutes to rectify the situation. If the person refuses to follow lab policies and/or procedures by that time, mediators will be contacted from the Campus Police department to enforce the policy/procedure.