Kuali Build

Kuali Build is a no code, drag and drop builder for online forms and workflow processes. Its primary purpose is to replace existing pdf based forms and and streamline the business processes associated with them. Depending on your resources and needs, you may request access to the system to build your own apps, or ask Information Services to develop a custom app for you.

Request a Demo to learn more and see if Kuali Build is a good fit for your needs.

Request Build Access

This is the best option for units with multiple forms to build. Demand for app builds from Information Services is very high and a willingness to work on your own apps with support and training from IS will lead to faster results. Once approved, you will be given a "space" in Kuali Build as well as a sandbox app and access to the training videos. It is recommended that no more than one or two individuals in a unit have this responsibility and, while the process is relatively straightforward, some technical aptitude will accelerate the learning.

After training, you will request each app individually using a separate form. When your new blank app is created, someone from IS will meet with you and assist you with any data integrations or other complexities.

Request Kuali Build Access and Training - For first time users.

Request a New Empty App to Build - For users with existing access.

Request a Custom Application from Information Services

This is the best option for units needing only one or two online forms, where the training investment is not justified.

Request a Custom Built App