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Course Support and Policies

Exam Proctoring

Some assessments (such as tests and/or quizzes) may require the use of auto proctoring, which is an online, remote proctoring system that uses advanced machine learning and identity-verification technology to ensure test integrity.

You must have a laptop or desktop computer with a webcam and a microphone; you cannot use a smartphone or tablet. You must have a stable internet to take the assessment. The university recognizes that not all students may be able meet the minimum requirements. If you do not have access to the minimum technology requirements, or if you have disabilities that require the use of a screen reader or keyboard navigation shortcuts, please inform your instructor before the quiz or test so that ADA accommodations or arrangements, as appropriate, may be made.

Please be aware that:

  • You, your computer, and physical test-taking environment may be recorded.
  • As you may be recorded, please dress appropriately.

You will need a quiet place to take the assessment -- both for your concentration and as interruptions (voices, another person on camera) may be flagged for potential cheating.

Visit the Teaching Tools website for your specific software to learn how to:

  • Install any needed extensions.
  • Set up your assessment environment; and complete the pre-assessment checks.

Course Expectations

Academic misconduct is not acceptable behavior and will not be tolerated. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to cheating, fabrication and falsification, plagiarism, or facilitating academic misconduct. If a student engages in academic misconduct it will result in a failing grade for the assignment in question and possible dismissal from UMKC. Refer to the student conduct policy for full details.

Policy on Late Assignments

Late work is not accepted unless documented extenuating circumstances prevent the submission by the posted deadline.

Evaluation and Grading

Course conversion of percentage to points to letter grade is displayed in the table below. Refer to the grading policy for information about the +/- grading scale and grade point system used by all faculty, in all undergraduate, graduate and professional programs.

Percentage of points earned | Letter grade earned

93-100% | A
90-92% | A-
87-89% | B+
83-86% | B
80-82% | B-
77-79% | C+
73-76% | C
70-72% | C-
67-69% | D+
63-66% | D
60-62% | D-
0-59% | F

Final Exam Date and Time

The schedule can be found on the Final Exam website which updates as changes are made to the times, dates and rooms that final exams are held. Make sure to check this website again as you near final exams to ensure that you have the most current information about the time and date of your exam for this course.

Final exam policy

Basic Needs

It can be challenging to do your best in class if you have trouble meeting basic needs like safe shelter, sleep and nutrition. If you have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or lack a safe and stable place to live, UMKC is here to help. The UMKC Basic Needs webpage has information on resources for food assistance, housing assistance and financial literacy. The Kangaroo Pantry is a free resource for all UMKC students that provides food and other items to those in need. Check out the Kangaroo Pantry at the Dr. Raj Bala Agrawal Care Center for details on hours and locations. It's strongly encouraged that you set up an appointment with UMKC Basic Needs if you have a need for this type of assistance.

Academic Calendar

Students are encouraged to review important add, drop or withdraw dates by visiting the academic calendar on the UMKC website.

Academic Integrity

The Board of Curators of the University of Missouri recognizes that academic honesty is essential for the intellectual life of the university. Faculty members have a special obligation to expect high standards of academic honesty in all student work. Students have a special obligation to adhere to such standards. Academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized use of artificially generated content or sabotage, is adjudicated through the University of Missouri Student Conduct Code and Rules of Procedures in Student Conduct Matters (CRR200.010).

Academic Support and Mentoring

The department of Academic Support and Mentoring (ASM) offers a wide range of services and programs to help students meet their academic goals. ASM offers peer tutoring, writing and presentation assistance, SI study groups, instructional videos and many more resources that are valuable to your success in this class. Information can be found on the ASM website. You can use RooLearning+ for scheduling appointments and viewing when support for this class is available. Access RooLearning+ by downloading the app from the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android) and sign in with your SSO. The URL for the RooLearning+ site is umkc.tedu.app/student.

Attendance Policy

Students must attend and participate in all classes according to UMKC’s attendance policy.

Key points include:

  • Instructors will verify attendance in the first three weeks through UMKC Connect  and maintain participation records throughout the term.
  • Notify your instructor in advance for excused absences and arrange make-up work ahead of time.
  • Instructors will accommodate these absences if it doesn’t disrupt course objectives.
  • Attendance policies apply equally to all students.

Campus Safety

Inclement weather, mass notification, and emergency response guide can be found on the UMKC Alert page.

UMKC Connect

Students should regularly check their UMKC Connect dashboard and are expected to address information posted in a timely manner. Throughout the term, students may receive emails regarding course grades or academic performance. This information may be shared with the student’s Success Network made up of his or her academic advisor(s) and other campus resources so that UMKC may fully support the student’s success.

Grade Appeal Policy

The university grade appeal procedure is available only for the review of allegedly capricious grading (what qualifies is defined in procedure) and not for review of the instructor's evaluation of the student's academic performance. 

Privacy Policies

Please access the following two websites for the most up to date information on the UMKC privacy and webcam policies.

Student Accessibility Services and Accommodations

To obtain accommodations based on a disability (including auxiliary aids), pregnancy, or a sincerely held religious belief, students must contact Student Accessibility Services as soon as possible by requesting an accommodation plan on the Roo Wellness website or calling 816-235-5612. When possible, students should seek accommodations prior to the start of the semester to ensure full resolution of their requests before beginning a program or course of study. After verification, students will inform their course instructors and detail the accommodations and/or auxiliary aids needed.

Counseling Services and Student Health and Wellness

UMKC students may experience many challenges in their lives while attending college – stress, depression, suicidality, trauma, relationship issues, health concerns, etc. As an institution, we care about your success and well-being, and want to make you aware of some helpful resources on campus.

UMKC Counseling Services, located at Brookside 51 Building, 5110 Oak Street, Suite 201, offers a wide range of supportive services to students. Appointments can be made by calling 816-235-1635. UMKC Student Health and Wellness, located at Brookside 51 Building, 5110 Oak Street, Suite 201, offers a full range of supportive services to students. Appointments can be made by calling 816-235-1635.

Students are encouraged to review UMKC’s Policy on Suicide Prevention Resources (PDF), which provides resources, referral information, and training opportunities to help recognize signs of distress in yourself and your peers as well as how to make appropriate referrals for support and assistance.

Students may contact the UMKC Student HelpLine (or call 816-235-2222) with any questions or concerns. Students may also utilize the complaint process to file a complaint online.

Equal Opportunity and Educational Access

UMKC is committed to providing equal opportunities to all students without unlawful discrimination on the basis of a protected identity, including race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other status protected by applicable state or federal law.

Discrimination and harassment

Compliance with UM System Collected Rules and Regulations CRR600.000 is monitored by the Office of Equity and Title IX, but it is the responsibility of the entire university community to provide equal opportunity through relevant practices, initiatives, and programs. CRR600.010 prohibits protected identity discrimination and harassment. It also prohibits sexual harassment and sexual misconduct by a student, employee, volunteer, or visitor that is not covered under CRR600.020 and Title IX (see below), that occurs within a UMKC educational program or activity, on- or off-campus, including when the conduct occurs off-campus and interferes with or limits the ability of any person to participate in or benefit from UMKC’s educational programs or activities or employment.

Making a report

If you or someone you know has experienced discrimination or harassment based on their protected identity, we encourage you to visit Making a Report. For those who have experienced discrimination or harassment, please see the Support and Connections pages of our Equity and Title IX website for a list of campus and community support services.

Sexual harassment under Title IX

UM System Collected Rules and Regulations (CRRs) 600.020 prohibits all students, employees, volunteers, and visitors from engaging in sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, in a university education program or activity against a person in the United States.

Making a report

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment, please visit the Support and Connection pages of our Equity and Title IX website for a list of support services on campus and in the community. For information on how to make a report to the university, visit Making a Report.

Failure to Accommodate Students with Disabilities

UM System Collected Rules and Regulations (CRRs) 600.010 prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities and ensures these students receive educational accommodations as issued by Student Accessibility Services.

Making a report

If you believe an employee of the university has failed to accommodate your disability, visit Making a Report or contact the Office of Equity and Title IX at (816) 235-1771 or eqtix@umkc.edu.

Accommodating Pregnancy and Related Conditions

UMKC provides reasonable accommodations to students related to pregnancy and childbirth, including adjustments to attendance requirements, course due dates, leaves of absence, and other accommodations. If you have questions or would like to request arrangements, please visit Pregnancy and Related Accommodations or contact the Office of Equity and Title IX at (816) 235-1771 or eqtix@umkc.edu.

Mandated Reporting

Nearly all UMKC employees, including your course instructors, advisors, and other support staff, are required to report all information related to any known or suspected discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct to the Office of Equity and Title IX and cannot offer confidentiality. However, students may seek confidential support from the following offices:

Employees of these offices are exempt from mandated reporting so long as the disclosure of prohibited conduct occurs in a confidential communication while they are acting as support advocates, professional counselors, or medical personnel. An exemption does not extend to these employees when the disclosure is made in non-confidential setting. If you have a question about confidentiality when making a disclosure to RISE or Roo Wellness, you should first ask whether the exemption applies.

Right to Free Expression

It is vitally important for UMKC to foster and maintain an educational environment that promotes free discussion, inquiry and expression by students inside the classroom and beyond, without fear that their exercise of such rights will have negative repercussions in areas over which the university has responsibility. It is equally important that students understand the narrow line separating their First Amendment rights and the legal and privacy rights of others so that students can exercise those rights within appropriate boundaries.

Per UM System Collected Rules and Regulations (CRR200.015) your instructors should encourage free discussion, inquiry, and expression in courses, conferences and meetings. Student performance shall be evaluated solely on an academic basis, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards.

Classroom Expectations: In exercising your right to free expression, UMKC requests students adhere to these five guidelines:

  1. Share responsibility for including all voices in the conversation, leaving sufficient time for others to engage in the discussion. Listen respectfully, avoiding interruptions or distractions.
  2. Recognize how your own identity and experiences inform your opinions and reactions to others. Be open to changing your perspectives when exposed to the ideas of others.
  3. Speak with care, acknowledging that your words may be perceived as disrespectful, marginalizing, biased, or harmful.
  4. Understand that everyone makes mistakes; view these mistakes as valuable in the learning process. Notice your own defensive reactions, and channel them into furthering a productive discussion.
  5. Differentiate between safety and comfort; accept discomfort as necessary for learning and exploring ideas through a social justice lens.

Although your right to free expression is protected, your instructors have the authority to take action under CRR200.010 when they believe the conduct of any student unreasonably disrupts the classroom environment and prevents others from learning or threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person. If you feel your instructor was in error in taking action under CRR200.010 related to your right to free expression, visit Making a Report.

Expressions of Perceived Bias

UMKC is committed to equity, diversity, inclusion and respectful interaction. In support of our campus community, the university provides the opportunity for students, employees, volunteers, and visitors to report expressions of perceived bias and to request UMKC respond to such expressions.

An expression of perceived bias may occur when someone believes that they have been subjected to harassment, bullying, stereotyping, microaggressions, abuse, marginalization, or any other form of targeted misconduct because they identify or are associated with a particular group. If you believe you have experienced an expression of bias or you become aware of such an expression, visit Making a Report.

Support: If the conduct of others prevents you from fully participating in the classroom or in university activities, UMKC offers confidential support through Counseling Services and RISE: Resources, Intervention, Support, and Education. Additional campus and community support services are listed on the Support and Connections pages of our Equity and Title IX website.