New Program Proposals
From proposal to implementation, academic programs need to be innovative, prioritize student success, meet workforce needs and stand out as unique and financially sustainable. The Provost and Vice Provost for Curriculum and Assessment unite with faculty and staff to develop and implement these programs.
New programs must also be approved by the relevant academic unit(s), according to each unit’s governance structure. The provost must approve any new program proposal, which may then also require the approval of the University of Missouri System Office of Academic Affairs, the Missouri Department of Higher Education, the Higher Learning Commission and/or the U.S. Department of Education before being added to the UMKC academic catalog.
Preliminary Proposal Development Sessions
To initiate a new program proposal, email the Curriculum and Assessment team. Once initiated, please anticipate meeting once every two weeks through proposal completion.
Concepts for new programs may be initiated by faculty, administration, community partners, etc. All new program proposals must be sponsored by an academic unit and identify a point person for communications. The point person will be responsible for participating in four development sessions (outlined below) as the new proposal is explored, developed, reviewed and approved in preparation full proposal completion.
Session one
Topic: Basic program information, source of program exploration, purpose and curriculum for degree programs, certificate programs and emphases
Session one worksheet (Word doc)
Session two
Topic: Demand analysis, impact, alignment with goals, and potential duplication
Session two worksheet (Word doc)
Session three
Topic: Costs and revenue, recruitment strategy and timeline, and plans for accreditation
Session three worksheet (Word doc)
Session four
Topic: Support of academic unit(s) and dean(s). Finalized draft of program added in CourseLeaf for unit review and approval.
Session four worksheet (Word doc)
New Program Proposal Milestones
The steps below are specific to the system-level and MDHEWD review of new degree programs. For a basic timeline of the system-level degree approval process, read the Timeline for Review by Board of Curators (PDF).
- Obtain full UMKC campus support approval (unit dean, SGS/UCC, provost)
- Full proposal submission for initial UM System Academic Affairs Review
- Proposals may be submitted after this date. The amount of time required for the full proposal review stage is dependent upon several factors, including the quality of the first submission and the number of modifications needed as well as the number of proposals currently under review by the Office of Academic Affairs.
- System-wide campus reviews
- Proposals are sent to the other three universities, which have 20 days to submit comments. These comments may require additional modifications to be made by the proposing campus.
- System-wide reviews conclude
- Final version of proposal to Academic Affairs submitted
- Board Office receives final version of proposal
- Dean/proposal lead present at Board of Curators' meeting
- MDHEWD authorization. Includes 3-month timeline for state-wide feedback. Submission for HLC notification
- Publication to catalog in designated year