Professional Career Escalators-Career U

Professional Career Escalators-Career U (PCE-Career U) is a high school engagement program focused on career and college readiness for Kansas City-area high school juniors and seniors. The program is designed to help guide students toward their desired career interests. PCE-Career U exposes these students to various components of the collegiate Professional Career Escalators program, including:

  • Career guidance and development
  • Experiential learning
  • Peer coaching
  • Leadership development

The program is delivered through various workshops and presentations offered at centralized locations across Kansas City, on the UMKC campus, and virtually. High school juniors and seniors will have the opportunity to learn about the UMKC Professional Career Escalators program, explore various career pathways, connect with current students and staff, network with Kansas City-area professionals and learn how to prepare for life after high school.

These workshops will not be cumulative. What does that mean? If you come in September but are not able to return to a workshop until January, you will not feel behind or out of the loop. So please do not let gaps in attendance make you hesitate when deciding whether or not to attend.


Spring Workshop Dates

January workshop

Topic: College decision
Time and date: 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 16
Location: Virtual


February workshop

Topic: Resume workshop
Time and date: 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6
Location: Virtual


Career Summit

Time and date: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday, April 12
Please email Connor Davis if you are an educator and would like to bring students.

Summer Career Camp

This summer career camp is designed to support your career and major exploration, allow you to experience the UMKC campus, interact with UMKC faculty and staff, gain professional development, and feel more confident navigating your post-secondary journey!
July 10-12, 2024 camp is overnight
The camp objectives are:
  • Students leave with a better understanding of UMKC and the college going process.
  • Students are exposed to degrees and careers offered at UMKC and leave with identified interests. 
  • Students understand the Professional Career Escalators and the support it provides.
The PCE-Career U Summer Career Camp is FREE and open to high school students. Spots are limited.

Stay Up-to-Date on PCE-Career U

Sign up for regular communication about PCE-Career U, including newsletter reminders and upcoming workshops available to high school juniors and seniors.

Sign-up for PCE-Career U updates

PCE-Career U Newsletter

Discover more about what's happening with the PCE-Career U program in the monthly newsletter.

PCE-Career U newsletter

Be an Industry Partner

Are you interested in volunteering as a Professional Career Escalator industry representative? There are plenty of ways to get involved, including speaking at workshops, hosting tours and more.

Sign up to volunteer