ePerformance Spring 2024

The ePerformance Rated Check-In process will be conducted from April 8 - June 14, 2024.

 ePerformance Launches  Monday, April 8
 Self-Review Due  Friday, April 26*
 Manager Assessment Saved/Submitted  Friday, June 14*
 Merit Process Begins  Monday, July 1

*Units can set their own internal deadlines for the self-review and manager assessment as long as Process Check-Ins are saved in ePerformance by June 14. ePerformance Quick Reference Guide (PDF)

Training for Employees

Staff are encouraged to access the “Building a Performance Culture” training module in Percipio to learn about how our university can work to build a culture that emphasizes consistent communication and accountability.

Training for Supervisors

Scheduled Training:

  • Coaching Conversations and Performance Feedback for Supervisors – Register in Percipio for this live webinar that will take place on May 2, 2024, from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, designed to help you brush up coaching skills and apply feedback frameworks to the Progress Check-In Process.
  • Additional ePerformance training opportunities will be offered during UM System’s Staff Development Week May 20-23, 2024.

On Demand Training:

For additional information and resources please visit the Performance Evaluations webpage.

Questions? Please reach out to your HR Business Partner.