Getting sick in this area was much too easy. Sub-Saharan Africa hosts more than 90% of the world’s deaths from Malaria. In fact, the top three infectious disease killers–Malaria, Tuberculosis, and HIV–are heavily concentrated in this part of the world. As a young child, I was exposed to the fact that Africa has some of the world’s poorest populations, and that infectious disease was common. Since my childhood, I discovered more about the diverse cultures and regions that Africa contains. But, I still wondered why there is so much poverty. And even more so, why are poverty and disease an inextricable pair?

As stated, poverty and large amounts of disease seem to be inseparable. This fact is true across the world. In the United States, one’s zip code and income alone can actually give experts a reasonable life expectancy for that person. In the field of public health, we can begin to reason why this is by looking into the social determinants of health. By looking at these, we learn the ways in which the living and working conditions of a population will affect the health of those people (as opposed to looking into the health risks that individuals might take, such as overeating or smoking). This is due to the fact that poverty (a lack of resources, money, and privileges) limits people’s ability to access safe environments, safe working conditions, adequate amounts of healthy food, and education.
After my remarkable experiences and the unfortunate sickness, I fully realized that health is a vital aspect of life, no matter who you are or what you have. After having to unexpectedly place my life in someone else’s hands, I decided that health is a basic human right that all individuals should be entitled to –and if poor living conditions hinders that right–I will just have to be a part of the movements to improve them.