Literature Track:
By the time a student completes the Program of Study in Literature s/he should be able to demonstrate an ability to:
1. Create coherent academic arguments that are built upon multi-leveled textual analysis.
2. Integrate close reading of primary texts.
3. Engage in critical conversations.
4. Present an essay in ways that reflect a sense of professional rules and conventions.
Language and Rhetoric Track:
By the time a student completes the Program of Study in the Language and Rhetoric track s/he should be able to demonstrate an ability to:
1. Create coherent academic arguments that are built upon complex rhetorical and/or linguistic analysis.
2. Analyze the language and rhetoric of varied texts and media.
3. Situate media in cultural and/or historical contexts.
4. Engage in critical conversations.
5. Present an essay in ways that reflect a sense of professional rules and conventions.