UMKC Catalog


Law (LAW) - Defamation, Privacy, Relational & Emotional Torts
LAW 8513      Defamation, Privacy, Relational & Emotional Torts
A focus on word torts, emotional injuries, and torts stemming from relational duties of care. Defamation topics covered will include private and public official and public figure plaintiffs, as well as tactical aspects of defamation actions and privileges. Privacy torts explored will be false light, public disclosure of private facts, intrusion and seclusion, and appropriation of name or likeness. The majority of the course will involve coverage of special or limited duties of care arising from contractual or professional relationships (such as medical and legal malpractice), landowner liability, sexual harassment in employment, familial and governmental immunities, prenatal injuries, negligent infliction of emotional distress, as well as theories of vicarious liability for the torts of others.
Faculty: School of Law
Department: Law General