UMKC Catalog


Pharmacy (PHARM) - Principles Of Nutrition Support
PHARM 7377      Principles Of Nutrition Support
This course will introduce the student to the fundamentals of nutrition support and prepare him/her for future involvement in this important practice area. It teaches practical skills, including assessment of the patient's nutritional status, estimation of calorie and protein requirements and how to recommend an appropriate formulation to meet these requirements. The student will learn indications for parenteral and enteral nutrition and how to select the most appropriate feeding. The student is taught how parenteral and enteral nutrition is safely administered, will learn the major complications, as well as methods to prevent or treat these problems. Topics covered include venous access, care of venous access devises, central vs. peripheral parenteral nutrition, fluid and electrolyte management, admixture compatibility and stability, and management of the nutrition support patient in various disease states. Restrictions: AU 52 Level A & B
Faculty: School of Pharmacy
Department: Pharmacy - General