UMKC Catalog


Psychology (PSYCH) - Family Life Cycle: Dev Approach Understanding Family Dynamic
PSYCH 453      Family Life Cycle: Dev Approach Understanding Family Dynamic
The primary purpose of this course is to enhance the student's understanding of the dynamics of healthy families. After receiving a historical overview of the development of families and the cultural roots and traditions behind family structures, child-rearing values and other factors, the student will be given a framework to understand how healthy families establish a dynamic balance between individual and group needs, and between needs to establish structure and to be flexible in the face of change. A second framework will also be presented to provide students with an understanding of how families use their internal resources to cope with life stressors. Given these basic cultural, interactional, and coping frameworks as foundation for understanding, students will explore how families change as they move through time from formation as a couple through early child-rearing, adolescence, mid-life, and post retirement. Implication for human service professionals will be presented.