UMKC Catalog


Nursing (NURSE) - Clinical Applications Of Pathophysiology
NURSE 398      Clinical Applications Of Pathophysiology
This nursing elective is designed to guide students through self-directed and in-depth analysis of selected diagnoses that are common to clinical practice and represent major concepts of pathophysiology, evaluation, and management that can be applied to many other illnesses. With faculty guidance, students will work in small groups to comprehensively review and analyze a selected clinical case for presentation and discussion with peers. One case from each of the following major body systems will be presented by student groups: cardiovascular pulmonary, cancer, endocrine, hematologic, immunologic, digestive, neurological, musculoskeletal, and genitourinary. Students are expected to attend and actively participate in all of the case presentations through completion of assigned readings, prepatory review of current literature, active listening, and comprehensive peer evaluation. Students will present and facilitate discussion within the large group of selected current literature following each case presentation. Prerequisite: 200 level Nursing courses; NURSE 395 Pathophysiology Offered: Varies
Faculty: School of Nursing & Health Studies
Department: Nursing General