UMKC Catalog


Teacher Education (TCH-ED) - Mathematics In Early Childhood And Elementary Schools
TCH-ED 444      Mathematics In Early Childhood And Elementary Schools
The course prepares teachers who can create a learning environment in which mathematical concepts are drawn from and modeled within the child's active investigation of his or her own surroundings and views of the world. The emphasis is upon mathematics as a sense-making tool through which observation, action, classification, ordering, seeking patterns and common features, and testing of ideas come together to organize experiences and solve problems in the immediate environment. Stress is placed on methods and materials to make mathematics learning active and hands-on. A variety of materials, physical models, and tools are studied in terms of the way they can be used to help children explore, develop and test ideas, construct meaning, and communicate ideas.
Faculty: School of Education
Department: Curriculum and Instruct Ldrshp