UMKC Catalog


Political Science (POL-SCI) - Labor, Politics and Society
POL-SCI 360      Labor, Politics and Society
This course explores many aspects of unions and the labor movement in society and the vital role organized labor plays as a pillar of democratic society. Unions impact the economy, growth, and the distribution of wealth, and the impact racial and gender equality, social security health and job safety, energy and the environment, and even foreign relations. As a social movement, labor has had a major impact on American history. This course covers these topics from a labor perspective. It examines current obstacles for union organizing, recent union campaigns, labor's political role, and the relationship between labor and the media, This course is part of the Certificate Program in Labor Studies and is offered on the University of Missouri Interactive Video Network at UMKC, UMSL, and UMC.
Faculty: College of Arts & Sciences
Department: Political Sciences