Introduction To Bioinformatics
This course introduces students to the field of Bioinformatics with a focus on understanding the motivation and computer science behind existing Bioinformatic resources, as well as learning the skills to design and implement new ideas. Offered: Every Fall Prerequisites: COMP-SCI 303 and a course/background in Biology (Genomics or Meta Models preferred.)
Credits: 3 hours
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Machine Learning In Bioinformatics
This course introduces students to the field of Machine Learing algorithms that are used in Bioinformatics, illustrated by several examples of applications to various problems. Offered: Every Winter Prerequisites: COMP-SCI 303 and a course/background in Biology (Genomics or eta Models preferred.)
Credits: 3 hours
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Architecture Of Database Management Systems
Covers in detail, architecture of centralized database systems, database processing, management of concurrent transactions, query processing, query optimization, data models, database recovery, datawarehousing, workflow, World Wide Web and Database performance, and reviews the architecture of some commercial centralized database systems. Prerequisites: COMP-SCI 470 and COMP-SCI 431, or consent of instructor.
Credits: 3 hours
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Mobile Computing
This course covers in detail the architecture of mobile and wireless network. It discusses and develops reveland concepts and algorithms for building mobile database systems (MDS), which is necessary for managing information on the air and E-commerce. This course is offered once a year. Prerequisite: COMP-SCI 5570 Offered: Every Fall
Credits: 3 hours
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Advanced Computer Graphics
Review of transformations, 3D viewing, curve fitting in 3D, generation of surfaces, hidden surface elimination, scan-line coherence, rigid solid representation, shading, color theory. Prerequisite: CS 475.
Credits: 3 hours
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Parallel Computer Architecture I
Parallelism in computer architecture, pipelined processors, array processors and multi-processor systems, algorithms for SISD, SIMD, MISD and MIMD organizations, vectorization, pipelining algorithms. Prerequisite: CS 481.
Credits: 3 hours
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Special Topics
Selected topics in specific areas of computer science. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies.
Credits: 1,3 hours
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Concurrency Models
Concurrency control constructs, P/V primitives, cobegin/coend, monitors, message transmission, rendezvous systems, underlying mathematics of concurrent systems, Petri Nets, liveness (deadlock), reachability, boundedness, invariants, system modeling. Prerequisite: CS 431 and 493.
Credits: 3 hours
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Design And Analysis Of Algorithms
Combinatorial analysis, searching and sorting, shortest path algorithms, spanning trees, search and traversal techniques, backtracking, branch and bound, heuristics, algebraic simplification and transformation. Prerequisite: COMP-SCI 303.
Credits: 3 hours
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Introduction To Queueing Theory
Review of statistics and probability, stochastic processes, Markov Processes, the basic Poisson process, equilibrium conditions, M/M/1 system with variations local and global balance in networks of queues, open and closed networks. Prerequisite: COMP-SCI 494R.
Credits: 3 hours
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Mathematical Foundations Of Computer Science
Study of the theory, and algorithmic techniques, of the fields of graph theory, combinatorics and number theory, as they relate to their application in the field of computer science. Prerequisite: COMP-SCI 303 and COMP-SCI 494R, or Consent of Instructor.
Credits: 3 hours
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Computer Security I: Cryptology
Study of theory, and algorithmic techniques, of the fields of number theory and cryptology, as they are applied in the general area of computer and network security. Prerequisites: COMP-SCI 291.
Credits: hours
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Directed Readings
Readings in an area selected by the graduate student in consultation with a faculty member. Arrangements must be made prior to registration.
Credits: 1,3 hours
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Research Seminar
Graduate research based on intensive readings from the current research literature under the direction of a faculty member. Arrangements must be made prior to registration.
Credits: 1,3 hours
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Research And Thesis
A project investigation leading to a thesis, or written report under the direction of a faculty member. A prospectus must be accepted prior to registration.
Credits: 1,6 hours
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Advanced Network Analysis
Design and analysis of data networks, comparative analysis of capacity and flow strategies, time-delay/cost trade offs, concentration and buffering in store and forward networks, random access techniques, pure, slotted and reservation type Aloha schemes, carrier sense multiple access. Prerequisite: CS 522.
Credits: 3 hours
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Network Simulation And Modeling
Simulation and modeling of network topologies and protocols, evaluation of the physical layer, data-link layer, network layer routing algorithms, local and long-haul networks. Prerequisite: CS 522 and 532.
Credits: 3 hours
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Distributed Computing For Software Systems
Formal descriptions of problems encountered in distributed computing for architecture. Parameters to formal requirements, operating system support, communications support, process synchronization, and system verification, distinctions between real time and concurrent time. The nature of life cycles, project organization and use of automated tools. Prerequisites: CS551, CS531 OR CS570.
Credits: 3 hours
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Architecture Of Distributed Database Systems
Detailed study of distributed database systems architecture, in-depth study of distributed transaction management, distributed concurrency control and recovery algorithms, database distribution, distributed query optimization and analysis of database system design, and intelligent network databases. Prerequisites: COMP-SCI 5570 or consent of instructor.
Credits: 3 hours
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Advanced Special Topics
A lecture course presenting advanced research level topics. Prerequisite: Ph.D candidacy or consent of instructor. On demand. This course is intended to allow faculty and visiting scholars to offer special courses in selected research areas.
Credits: 1,3 hours
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