The Middle East From World War I To The Present
The third semester of a three-semester sequence deals with the emergence of the modern countries of the Middle East after World War I and their history and course of development to the present day. There will be a general survey of the government and politics, economic situation, and social and cultural characteristics of each important country in the area. In addition, special topics will be discussed such as the modernization process, ideological alternatives, relations with the great powers, the economics and politics of oil, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. HISTORY 444R and HISTORY 445 are not prerequisites. Also offered as HISTORY 546.
Credits: hours
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Japanese Civilization
A survey of Japanese civilization and cultural history from the prehistorical period to the present. Emphasis on the interplay between religion, the arts, politics, and social structure.
Credits: hours
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Medieval Methods and Paleography
This course examines the methodology and historiography of Medieval Studies. Through an introduction to paleography, the study of medieval handwritings, it prepares students for advanced work in Medieval and Renaissance studies. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this course will examine the historical and cultural settings for medieval texts, their physical form and production, as well as the tradition of textural transmission in the medieval world. In addition to gaining familiarity with the many different types of primary sources, such as literary, artistic, legal, and notarial sources, students will be exposed to methods for practical archival work in various European nations. Prerequisite: First Year Latin or permission from instructor.Offered: On Demand
Credits: 3 hours
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Archaeology And The History Of Antiquity
This course will analyze the contributions of archaeology to the understanding of ancient history. It will cover archaeological excavations and their pertinence to classical civilization in the Near East and Greece. The techniques and methodology of field archaeologists will be discussed and demonstrated. Archaeological excavations relating to the Hittite capital, to the Ugaritic tablets, to the Minoan-Mycenaean civilization and its link to the Near East will be treated. Also offered as HISTORY 568R.
Credits: hours
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Archeology And Biblical History
An examination of ancient Israel as she emerges from the ruins of the past, both lapidary and literary. Through a study of the ""mute documents,"" artifacts man-made (storied cities, household utensils, inscribed shards from Jericho to Jerusalem) we gain an insight indispensable for Biblical studies, for ancient Near Eastern history. Also offered as HISTORY 569R.
Credits: 3 hours
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Ancient Egypt
This course describes the political, social and cultural evolution of ancient Egypt from pre-dynastic times, with major emphasis upon the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms (especially the 18th dynasty and the reign of Akhenaton). Also offered as HISTORY 570R.
Credits: 3 hours
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Ancient Greece
This course begins with a survey of the pre-classical Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations and then describes the rise of prominent Greek city-states (with particular emphasis upon the evolution of Sparta and the political, social and cultural contributions of Athens). The course concludes with the rise of Macedon and Alexander's conquests and significance. Also offered as HISTORY 571R.
Credits: 3 hours
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Ancient Rome
This course covers Roman history from its origins (including the Etruscans) to the decline of the imperial system. Particular emphasis is placed upon the political, social and economic developments in the Republic, the death of the Republic, the early Principate, and the factors that led to Rome's decline in the ancient world. Also offered as HISTORY 572R.
Credits: 3 hours
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The History Of Ancient Israel
Judaism has had a tremendous impact on our civilization and yet most Americans are only dimly aware of its origins and development. This course will trace the roots of the Jewish religion in its historical context from its beginnings through the formation of rabbinic culture. The rise of Christianity will be examined in its original Judaic context, and recent discoveries, particularly those pertaining to the Dead Sea Scrolls, will be interpreted. Offered: Fall
Credits: hours
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Medieval Jewish History
This course covers the general period from the decline of the Roman Empire to the dawn of early modern times. It is concerned with Jewish centers of life and learning in the Diaspora, both East and West. The course considers the Jews under Islamic rule from the time of Mohammed through the Golden Age of Moorish Spain. The focus then shifts to the situation of the Jews in Christian Europe, from the period of Constantine to the expulsions from England, France and Christian Spain. The Jews in the Ottoman Empire are mentioned and the course ends with the episode of Sabbatai Zevi, the false Messiah. Also offered as HISTORY 576R.
Credits: 3 hours
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Modern Jewish History
This course surveys modern Jewish history from the Napoleonic period to World War II. Analyzing the social status of the Jews in Medieval Europe, it proceeds towards a discussion of the growth of the national state and the breakup of the Holy Roman Empire and analyzes the growth of socialism, integral nationalism, and liberalism as they affected the Jewish communities in Europe and America. The course serves as a survey of modern political and economic trends as they affect a distinct group. Also offered as HISTORY 577R.
Credits: 3 hours
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Historical Research Project
Working extensively with an individual faculty member actively engaged in his/her research, students practice the multiple facets of investigating the sources of history, developing a comprehensive analysis from such sources, and composing a persuasive interpretation. Prerequisite: HISTORY 301WI and instructor's approval Offered: On demand.
Credits: 1-3 hours
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Senior Capstone
This is the capstone course in the department and is required for majors in the senior year. It consists of tutorial sessions with a regular faculty member and independent research leading to a major paper using original source materials. Performance in this course will weigh heavily in the award of departmental honors. Prerequisites: HISTORY 301 and successful completion of the WEPT.
Credits: hours
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Western Civilization To 1600
This course surveys the political, social and cultural history of Europe from ancient times to 1600. Beginning with a brief description of the riverine civilizations of the ancient Near East, the course then examines the political and cultural evolution of classical Greco-Roman civilization, the medieval world, the rise of the national state, and the essential characteristics of the eras of the Renaissance and Reformation. Fall, Summer, Winter.
Credits: hours
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World Civilization Since 1600
This course surveys the social, economic, political and institutional history of the world from the 17th century to the present. It is designed to foster deeper understanding of the continuity between past and present and of the interdependence among nations in contemporary times.
Credits: hours
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CC:Women In the Ancient World
This focuses on the history, representation, literature, social lives, and political roles ow women in ancient civilization including Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Biblical World, Greece, and Rome. It integrates methodologies from history, art history and archaeology, literary studies, and women's studies.
Credits: hours
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American Social Film: Silver Screen And The American Dream
This course will combine American social history and American film history. Using Hollywood entertainment films, the course will look at Hollywood as an indicator of social, political, and economic conditions in the U.S. from the early 1900s to the late 1950s. The main topics are war and the threat of war, poverty and affluence, racial tensions, censorship, and political zealotry. A paper is required, and a social history textbook, a film history textbook, a play by Arthur Miller and a collection of articles constitute core readings. This course is offered as a cluster with AMER-ST 300CD, COMM-ST 402CD and ENGLISH 300CD.
Credits: hours
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Islam And The Arabs: The Formative Period
The first semester of a three-semester sequence begins with a brief overview of the geography and topography of the Middle East. The course proceeds with a discussion of the conditions of pre-Islamic Arabia; the appearance of Muhammad and his mission; the rise and spread of Islam; the establishment and consolidation of the Arab dynasties in the Middle East, North Africa and Spain; Islamic institutions; and Islamic society and culture. The time span will be approximately 500 A.D. to the Mongol conquest of Baghdad in 1258. Also offered as HISTORY 544.
Credits: hours
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Medieval Jewish History
This course covers the general period from the decline of the Roman Empire to the dawn of early modern times. It is concerned with Jewish centers of life and learning in the Diaspora, both East and West. The course considers the Jews under Islamic rule from the time of Mohammed through the Golden Age of Moorish Spain. The focus then shifts to the situation of the Jews in Christian Europe, from the period of Constantine to the expulsions from England, France and Christian Spain. The Jews in the Ottoman Empire are mentioned and the course ends with the episode of Sabbatai Zevi, the false Messiah. Also offered as HISTORY 576R.
Credits: hours
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Special Topics And Readings
Intensive reading and/or research in an area selected by the student in consultation with the instructor. By permission only. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. On demand.
Credits: 1,6 hours
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