Diane Filion Center for
Advancing Faculty Excellence

CAFE Fellow LaVerne Berkel

image of LaVerne BerkelCAFÉ is pleased to introduce Dr. LaVerne Berkel (berkell@umkc.edu), CAFÉ fellow 2021-2022 


Why did you want to be a CAFÉ fellow?  What are you excited about?

I had worked with Provost Diane Filion as a Provost’s fellow during a developmental leave in Spring 2018.  That work extended for another year, and, during that time, I was able to continue my efforts as an Associate Dean in the School of Education and create structures and processes that support faculty across campus.  Specifically, I helped revise the new faculty orientation experience and worked with Dr. Candace Schlein, the Director of FaCET, to create an online resource for adjunct faculty.  I am excited to work with CAFÉ this year to extend these supports for adjunct faculty.

What do you hope to accomplish this year?  Are there any particular goals?  What do you think the legacy of your work will be?

This year, I hope that the needs assessment survey we have launched will enable us to develop robust support for our adjunct faculty.  After we analyze the data from the survey, we will follow up with a smaller group of adjunct faculty to participate in focus groups, where we will be able to get more in-depth information and recommendations for improving their experience at UMKC.  I hope to use this information to suggest and implement changes that will really benefit our adjunct faculty.  I am fortunate to be working with Dr. Molly Mead on a website that is easy to access and navigate, improvements to the current online orientation and mechanisms to provide better connections to the UMKC community for adjunct faculty. 

How does your research or role as faculty member inform your interest and work as a Café fellow?

I have served in different administrative positions throughout my time at UMKC.  As an Associate Dean, Assistant to the Chair, Provost fellow and CAFÉ fellow, I have always enjoyed supporting faculty and administration.  Even though faculty affairs has not been an area of focus for my research, I find the work challenging and rewarding and am grateful for the opportunity to learn more about and continue my work in this area.