Outlook Express settings for student accounts

Please note Outlook Express is NOT Outlook 2000.  If you are interested in using Outlook 2000, please go back to the top of the FAQ.

Please make sure that you visit http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ to ensure that you have the latest patches for Outlook Express 5.x before continuing.  Out of date versions will place you at a greater risk for virus or other email attacks.

New Outlook Express users

  1. Start Outlook Express.
  2. Outlook Express may prompt you to make it the default email client.  If you are only going to use Outlook Express for email, select yes.  Otherwise choose no, and un-check the 'Always perform this check when starting Outlook Express' box.
  3. You should have a window that says 'Setting up Internet Mail'.  From here select 'Create a new Internet mail account', and click next.  (If this window does not appear as pictured check step 4, otherwise skip to the Existing Outlook Express users section.)
  4. Enter your name as prompted, and click next.
  5. Select that you already have an email address, and enter your UMKC email address.  ( username@umkc.edu )  Then click next.
  6. Select 'IMAP' for the server type.  Set your incoming server to:  imap4.roos.umkc.edu  and your outgoing server to:  smtp.exchange.umkc.edu  .  Then click next.
  7. Enter your Exchange username as the account name, and optionally you can enter your password.  (Don't enter your password if you are concerned about the people who have physical access to your home computer.)  Then click next.
  8. Click Finish to save your settings.

If you are connecting to UMKC through DSL, Cable Modem, or another ISP you must follow these additional steps:

  1. Select the Tools menu, and click on Accounts
  2. Click on the Mail tab
  3. Select properties for the UMKC account
  4. Click on the Servers tab
  5. Under 'Outgoing Mail Server' , check mark the box for "My server requires authentication"  (The other settings can be left alone)
  6. Click OK to save the settings, and close the account dialog box

Existing Outlook Express users

If you would like to simply add your UMKC Exchange account to your other accounts which you get with Outlook Express follow this instruction set.  (This also applies if you have no other email accounts on Outlook Express, and the email wizard fails to start automatically.)

  1. Open Outlook Express
  2. Go to the Tools menu, and select Accounts.
  3. Click on the Add button, and select Mail.
  4. Follow the steps above for new users starting with step 4.